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Information about

Mind Sports Olympiad 2003 in Prague

is here.

The rest is old site about:

Mind Sports Olympiad 2001 in Prague

Hry sedmi a jedné noci

Welcome to the 5th Mind Sports Olympiad website. This is the first year this great meeting of people interested in board games and other mind sports is organized in Prague but there is a five years old international tradition of such a meeting.

The Olympiad was held 1st to 8th July, 2001 in Prague in Tyr¹ùv dùm (some pictures, map, how to get there), and the palace of ®ofín. Besides the top-class board game tournaments, there was a plenty of exhibitions, games played by top players, lessons, activities for children and youth players of all kinds, beginners and advanced players in individual games. The visitors had the opportunity to learn about the wide scale of board games and to understand them more deeply while being taught by Czechia's best specialists.

The event is a cooperative project of many Czech board games organisations. The Board Games Club Paluba is the main organizer.

This site is being continuously updated along with its Czech version. Some information is in Czech (names of places etc.) but all the important information has been translated to English. Please do not hesitate to contact us at olympiada@hrejsi.cz for further information.

Information about accomodation in Prague.

© Paluba 2001. Information from this site may be spread in any way under condition of mentioning the original source. If you have any questions about this site or Central European Mind Sports Olympiad, please ask here: olympiada@hrejsi.cz.
  Last update:  04. 06. 01.